****LOCATION--LOCATION--LOCATION****Top-Ranked Schools----Earl Haig SS/Finch PS Area****Suitable For Developers/Builders Or Investors Or End-Users/Families Who Want To Build A Dream----Luxurious Custom-Built Home In Highly Sought-After, Finch Ave And Willowdale Ave---Bayview Ave Neighbourhood****45Ftx145Ft Lot & A Rare-Opportunity To Find 2Lots--Total 102Ftx145Ft(192 Pemberton Avenue----45Ftx145Ft + 194 Pemberton Avenue-----57Ftx145Ft)------Side By Side Lots For Sale/Available(Total---102Ftx145Ft----Potential Severance Opportunity Into 3(THREE) LOTS(Buyer Is Verify The Buyer's future Use W/City Planner)*****The Property Is Being Sold In ""As Is""---""Where Is"" Condition***** (id:56889)