5 Minutes to Declutter - Quick and Easy Ways to Get it Done

5 Minutes to Declutter – Quick and Easy Ways to Get it Done
I don’t know about you but I love to declutter and purge items in my home that I no longer need. I always feel lighter and more at ease in my home. And since we are literally home all the time during the COVID lockdowns it is more important than ever to feel happy in your home. I am no expert in this field but I find it therapeutic to watch shows like The Home Edit and Maria Kondo and then attack an area of my house.
Places you can Quickly Declutter your Home
- Pantry – Expired or Stale food Straight to the garbage – Food to donate that no one likes anymore – Perhaps you have one of those “”Take One Leave One” Food boxes in your neighbourhood. That is a great place to drop off wrapped granola bars.
- Front Closet – Kids outgrow their outer wear so quickly. Go through hats and gloves and jackets. Prep for the changing of the seasons. Sell some clothes & shoes or donate.
- Kitchen Counter – I don’t know about you but at our house we love having a clean counter. Minimal appliances and stuff in general. It gives your space a clean open feeling and takes 5 minutes.
- Fridge – This should like be done more often than it currently is. Expired food and sauces pile up quickly. Toss them. Reorganize. You could even go so far as to buy some clear containers and really “Home Edit” your fridge.
- Junk Drawer – This drawer or drawers is where I put everything I hope my kids will forget about so I can recycle or toss. Take everything out and start from scratch … little containers and dividers are so helpful here.
- Clothing Closet
BONUS Challenge: Grab 2 bags or boxes (garbage & donation) and walk around your house for 5 minutes a day for a week removing items that are broken or no longer wanted or needed.
Important Tip:
Take the bags or boxes for donation straight to your car. Get them out of the house ASAP and drop off as soon as possible.